Monday, September 15, 2014

Description of Paradise by Imam Ibn Al Qayyim.


Description of Paradise

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Ibn al-Qayyim said, in regards to the description of the Paradise and the delights that it contains:

"And if you ask about its ground and its soil, then it is of musk and saffron.

And if you ask about its roof, then it is the Throne of the Most Merciful.

And if you ask about its rocks, then they are pearls and jewels.

And if you ask about its buildings, then they are made of bricks of gold and silver.

And if you ask about its trees, then it does not contain a single tree except that its trunk is made of gold and silver.

And if you ask about its fruits, then they are softer than butter and sweeter than honey.

And if you ask about its leaves, then they are softer than the softest cloth.

And if you ask about its rivers, then there are rivers of milk who's taste does not change, and rivers of wine that is delicious to those who drink it, and rivers of honey that is pure, and rivers of water that is fresh.

And if you ask about their food, then it is fruits from whatever they will choose, and the meat of whatever birds they desire.

And if you ask about their drink, then it is Tasneem, ginger, and Kaafoor.

And if you ask about their drinking cups, then they are crystal-clear and made of gold and silver.

And if you ask about its shade, then a fast rider would ride in the shade of one of its trees for a hundred years and not escape it.

And if you ask about its vastness, then the lowest of its people would have within his kingdom and walls and palaces and gardens the distance that would be travelled in a thousand years.

And if you ask about its tents and encampments, then one tent is like a concealed pearl that is sixty miles long.

And if you ask about its towers, then they are rooms above rooms in buildings that have rivers running underneath them.

And if you ask about how far it reaches into the sky, then look at the shining star that is visible, as well as those that are far in the heavens that the eyesight cannot possibly reach.

And if you ask about the clothing of its inhabitants, then they are of silk and gold.

And if you ask about its beds, then its blankets are of the finest silk laid out in the highest of its levels.

And if you ask about the faces of its inhabitants and their beauty, then they are like the image of the Moon.

And if you ask about their age, then they are young ones of 33 years in the image of Adam, the father of humanity.

And if you ask about what they will be hearing, then it is the singing of their wives from among the Hoor al-'Ayn, and better than that are the voices of the Angels and the Prophets, and better than that is the Speech of the Lord of the Worlds.

And if you ask about their servants, then they are young boys of everlasting youth who resemble scattered pearls.

And if you ask about their brides and wives, then they are young and full-breasted and have had the liquid of youth flow through their limbs; the Sun runs along the beauty of her face if she shows it, light shines from between her teeth if she smiles; if you meet her love, then say whatever you want regarding the joining of two lights; he sees his face in the roundness of her cheek as if he is looking into a polished mirror, and he sees the brightness from behind her muscles and bones; if she were to be unleashed upon the World, she would fill what is between the Heavens and the Earth with a beautiful wind, and the mouths of the creation would glorifiy, praise, and exclaim greatness, and everything between the East and the West would be adorned for her, and every eye would be shut from everthing but her, and the light of the Sun would be outshone just as the light of the Sun outshines the light of the stars, and everyone on the face of the Earth would believe in the Ever-Living, the One who Sustains and Protects all the exists.

And the covering on her head is better than the World and all that is in it, and she does not increase with age except in beauty; free from an umbilical cord, childbirth and menses, and pure of mucous, saliva, urine and other filthy things; her youth never fades, her clothing is never worn out, no garment can be created that matches her beauty, and no one who is with her can ever become bored; her attention is restricted to her husband, so she desires none but him, just as his attention is restricted to her so she is the sole object of his desire, and he is with her in utmost safety and security, as none has touched her before of either humans or Jinn.

And if you ask about the Day of Increase (in reward) and the visit of the all-Mighty, all-Wise, and the sight of His Face - free from any resemblance or likeness to anything - as you see the Sun in the middle of the day and the full Moon on a cloudless night, then listen on the day that the caller will call: 'O People of Paradise! Your Lord - Blessed and Exalted - requests you to visit Him, so come to visit Him!' So they will say: 'We hear and obey!'

Until, when they finally reach the wide valley where they will all meet - and none of them will turn down the request of the caller - the Lord - Blessed and Exalted - will order His Chair to be brought there. Then, pulpits of light will emerge, as well as pulpits of pearls, gemstone, gold, and silver. The lowest of them in rank will sit on sheets of musk, and will not see what those who are on the chairs above them are given. When they are comfortable where they are sitting and are secure in their places, and the caller calls: 'O People of Paradise! You have an appointment with Allaah in which He wishes to reward you!' So they will say: 'And what is that reward? Has He not already made our faces bright, made our scales heavy, entered us into Paradise, and pushed us away from the Fire?'

And when they are like that, all of a sudden a light shines that encompasses all of Paradise. So, they raise their heads, and, behold: the Compeller - Exalted is He, and Holy are His Names - has come to them from above them and majestified them and said: 'O People of Paradise! Peace be upon you!' So, this greeting will not be responded to with anything better than: 'O Allaah! You are Peace, and from You is Peace! Blessed are You, O possessor of Majesty and Honor!' So the Lord - Blessed and Exalted - will laugh to them and say: 'O People of Paradise! Where are those who used to obey Me without having ever seen Me? This is the Day of Increase!'

So, they will all give the same response: 'We are pleased, so be pleased with us!' So, He will say: 'O People of Paradise! If I were not pleased with you, I would not have made you inhabitants of My Paradise! So, ask of Me!' So, they will all give the same response: 'Show us your Face so that we may look at it!' So, the Lord - Mighty and Majestic - will remove his covering and will majestify them and will cover them with His Light, which, if Allaah - the Exalted - had not Willed not to burn them, would have burned them.

And there will not remain a single person in this gathering except that his Lord - the Exalted - will speak to him and say: 'Do you remember the day that you did this and that?' and He will remind him of some of his bad deeds in the Worldy life, so he will say: 'O Lord! Will you not forgive me?' So, He will say: 'Of course! You have not reached this position of yours (in Paradise) except by my forgiveness.'

So, how sweet is this speech to the ears, and how cooled are the righteous eyes by the glance at His Noble Face in the Afterlife...

{Some faces that Day will be shining and radiant, l ooking at their Lord...} (al-Qiyaamah:22-3)

[from the amazing and beautiful book Haadi al-Arwaah ilaa Bilaad il-Afraah by Ibn al-Qayyim, pg. 193]

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Thursday, September 11, 2014



1.Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. Qurân13:28
2. Abu Hurairah (R.A) narrated: the prophet (S.AW) said Allah subhana huwa ta'ala says, I am just as my slave thinks I am (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if he remembers me, if he remembers me in himself, I too will remember him in myself, and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than them, and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit him. And if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms closer to him and if he comes to me walking, I go to him running. (Sahih Bukhari).
 3. Verily, Allah is gentle and kind and He loves gentleness.
 4. The believer is like the bee, which eats what is pure, produces what is pure, and destroys not the tiny branch on which it lands. (Hadith).
5. Whenever gentleness is present in something, that thing is beautified, when gentleness is removed, that thing becomes spoilt. (Hadith).

6. The strong is not he who is strong in combat, verily, the strong one is he who controls himself when he is angry. (Hadith).
7. Hasteness begets regrets. In Islam there are matters that one is recommended to do in haste; . i making up missed prayers ii paying your debts. iii serving your guest with food Iv marrying out your daughter who has reached the state of marriage when she gets a God fearing man asking for her hand in marriage. And etc.
8. I recommend you to take of care of the minutes, as the hours take care of themselves. (Philip Chesterfield).
9. The future comes one day at a time. (Dean Acheson).
10. I have always been a quarter of an hour before my time, and it has made a man of me.( Horatio Lord Nelson).
11. There is no time like the present to tackle a difficult task. Too late is better than never.
12. Discipline is doing the right thing at the right time and at the right rate it should be done.
13. Whatever you do consistently for thirty one days becomes a habit, man don't decide his future, he decides his habits and his habits decide his future. Mike Murdock.
14. Life is not lost by dying, life is lost minute by minute, day by day, in a thousand small uncaring ways. Stephen V Benel.
15. I don't think much of a man who is not wiser than he was yesterday. Abraham Lincoln.
16. Never lose a chance; it does not come every day. George Bernard Shaw.
 17. Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee light gains make heavy purses. George Chapman.
18. High aims form high characters and great objects bring out great mind. Tryon Edwards.

 19.The men who succeed are the efficient few, because they are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop them. (Herbert .N. Casen)
20. What you imagine, know and think determine what your life becomes eventual. (Clement Stones)
21. If one advances confidently in the directions of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. (Henry David Thoreau).
22. Many feasible projects have miscarried through despondency and been strangled in their birth by a coward imagination. Jeremy Collier. 
 24. Without determination, success will remain a dream. Helen Keller.
25. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit. (Aristotle).
26. I do the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep on doing so until the very end. Abraham Lincoln.
27. Success comes to the man who does today what others were thinking of doing tomorrow. Helen Keller.
28. If you put your goal before you each day, they are certain to become a reality. ( C. Blant)
29. A good leader inspires and motivates rather than manipulate.
30. You have to get it to give it. You have to love yourself in a healthy manner in order for others to love you. You have to be happy yourself before others could be happy around you. You have to be patient yourself before you can teach your children patience.
31. Try to have a win/win (i.e. a situation where all parties are satisfied) approach in your life. Think of others enter their shoe and try to visualize how they feel. Then think on how to make the situation better for each of you .Don't destroy the goose that lays the golden eggs. Even a child could do better if disciplined in a win/win situation.
 32. Try the power of  ''Thank you''. Allah the Almighty commanded us to thank Him. If you use these words to fellow humans, you will be amazed with the effect. Use it to your friends, children and even your employees and servants.
33. Use people's names while talking to them as often as possible. Believe me, people love to hear their names.
34. Take care of yourself, mentally, physically, and spiritually, for you to have a worthy life.
 35. Always be yourself.
36. Principles are good, but sometimes it is good to step out a little bit, most especially for a good course, in which you think could have a positive outcome. Taste the waters.
37. Courage comes between cowardliness and boldnes
38. If you cannot change a thing then try to change the way you think about it.
39. In helping others, people have a limit or point, up to which they are willing to strive and sacrifice for others. And this limit is seldom exceeded. (Aid Ibn Al-Qarni).
40. And put your trust (O Muhammad) in the ever living one who dies not… (Qur'an 25:58).
 41. Be open minded and accept changes when necessary. Don't be afraid to accept new ideas for a lot of goods can come out of them. E.g. new products, cuisines etc., most especially if it aren't going to cost you an arm and leg.
42. Enthusiasm and persistence can make an average person superior; indifference and lethargy can make a superior person average. William Ward.
43. Our background and circumstances might have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
44. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and clear every doubt. Even a fool, when he holdout his peace, is counted wise. (Abraham Lincoln.
45. When the fool is arrogantly boasting take pride in your silence.

46. The circumstances that surrounds a man's life are not important. How that man responds to those circumstances is important. His response is the ultimate determining factor between success and failure. (Helen Keller).
47. Don't let yourself get worried over anticipations, because something that you worry about may not even come, and your worry will not stop the inevitable.
48. Be proactive in the present and do what you believe can benefit you and let what to come, for it's time of coming.
49. Work within your circle of influence not within your circle of concern i.e. those things that you can change for example you can't change the fact that its raining (supposedly so) it's a waste of time to fume over the weather rather you should indulge in thinking about how to get the best of what you want in that situation, by using the resources and initiatives you have or can get, to achieve that desire you have on that rainy day.
50. We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope. (Martin Luther King).
51. Sometimes we are the ones that teach people how to treat us, always have a positive attitude.
52. Sometimes we get served with what we call for.
53. To err is human to forgive is divine.

54. Admitting your mistake is a great stride to healing and success. 55. A little change can make a big difference in our lives. Life gets better when we get better Life always approves what is improved. We can never change the past but we can design a better future through never ending but constant improvement. Even marketers of goods and services are on a constant look out for what to improve in their products, in order to remain relevant. (Habu Dawaki).
56. The reason some people don't go very far in life is because they side step procrastination.
57. First things first, write your goals and tasks. Prioritizes them, tackle the most important ones first, and do each one according to its importance. If you do the most important ones first, you will be more at ease in doing the lesser ones (they will fit). It will make you more efficient.
58. I may not be able to change the world I see around me, but I can change the way I see the world within me.
59. The greatest mistake a person can make is doing nothing. John .Maxwell.
60. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Vidal Sasso 
61. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page. 62. Help a young man on his way up for you may meet him on your way down. Abraham Lincoln.
63. Sin is what the heart is uncomfortable with.
64. A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.
65. I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them. Herbert Henry Lehman.
66. Sometimes less is more.
67. Learn to say no when you know its no.
 68. Always look before you leap.
69. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Even the small tasks. 70. Sometimes what you ask is what you get.
71. Adult behavior calls for adult response.
72. No matter what, life must go on. Sometimes its good to keep things simple.
 73. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on you. Chinese proverb.
74. If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down. (Mary Rickford).
75. A person may fail many times, but he is not a failure until he blames somebody or something else. (Abraham Lincoln).
76. Only those who do not expect anything are never disappointed only those who never try never fail. (Thomas Edison).
77. Find what you are passionate about and work on it.
 78. Nothing will be attempted if all possible obstacles must first be removed. (Samuel Johnson).
79. Strong men are made by opposition, like kites they go against the wind to raise. (Frank Hern).
80. No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. (Voltaire).
81. Many people dream of success, to me, success can only be achieved through repeated failures and introspect. In fact , success represents the one percent of your work that results from the 99% that is called failure. (Soichiro Honda, (founder of Honda)
82. Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. (Abraham Lincoln).
83. Great minds have purposes, others have wishes. Little minds are subdued by misfortunes but great rise above them. (Washington Irvin)

84. There is no achievement without failure. It takes adversity to create success. (John Maxwell).
85. Here is the key of being free from stronghold of past failures and mistakes; learn the lesson and forget the details. (Benjamin Franklin). 86. Behind every great idea, there is someone saying, it won't work. 87. Believe you are defeated, believe it long enough, and it is likely to become a fact. (Norman Vincent Peale).
88. When your enemy names a fault, try to evaluate it to see if it is reasonable and you can change it, if not forget it and move on for enmity does not overlook fault.
89. You can buy whatever you can afford for your child, but what he need most is your time. Attack your weak point instead of attacking those criticizing you about it.
90. If people talk negatively about you, live so that no one will believe him. (Abraham Lincoln).
91. Shared sorrow is half sorrow, shared joy is double joy.
92. The habit of looking on the bright side in every circumstance is more valuable than having a large income.
93. When something bad happens to you, take a day to feel sorry for yourself, and act about the problem the following day.
94. Indulge in thinking about those things that you have control over 95. When you feel down it helps to look your best.
 96. Heavy hearts like heavy clouds in the sky are best relieved by letting out of water. (Rivarol)
97. Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadow. (Helen Keller).
98. The advice of the selected ones is a balsam for the heart it adds to the heart vivacity and strength. The advice of the ignorant is an affliction and blindness it adds to the heart more sickness. (Sultan Muhammad Bello).

 99. Withhold your tongue from the utterance of complaint, if you are desirous of joyful life. (Caliph Abubakar As sidiq).  

100. On the authority of Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A) who said: one day I was riding behind the prophet (peace be upon him) when he said “keep Allah so that you may find
him in front of you. Recognize Allah in prosperity so that He may recognize you in hardship. Bear in mind that what has missed you will never get you, and what has got you will never miss you, bear in mind that victory is with patience, relief is with distress, and ease is with hardship.
 101. Anas (R.A) Reported that Allah's messenger (S.A.W) said Remember death in your prayer. Verily, when a man remembers death in his prayer, he is apt to perfect his prayer. Pray the prayer of a man who does not expect to pray another prayer. And avoid every matter that would require an apology. Recorded by (Ad Daylami). 
102. Do not talk absurdly when you pardon or punish someone. (Caliph Abubakar As Sidiq).

HOW to change your MODEM SETTINGS. AIRTEL MTN glo or Etisalat

Rule No 1 adhere strictly to what is written. you are going to do a set up not visiting a web page.
NO www  in front of APN please.
Make sure you create a profile on your modem bearing the right APN settings for the right SIM inserted. You can create several profile as much as you please.

1.put the SIM inside the modem.

2.On your laptop and insert the modem through the USB slot. the modem(wait, do not leave it alone for you are expected to answer the question for it to be run)answer the question on privacy and so on with yes,allow and so on up to where you will choose finish and then run.

4. then go to the TOP left side of the small box and choose TOOLS then OPTIONS,then go to file management and fill as below according to the network you want(the SIM network).( I USED MTN MODEM TO DEMONSTRATE). can create a profile for all the networks so that you just choose the one whose SIM you wish to use. just choose new on the right hand side of file management box put the right information and then save. to use just go back to the modem's main menu,click connection(by the top left side) clicking on the little arrow head on the profile name slot(just above connect) to do that. when you choose the name of the network you want,then click CONNECT in order to connect to the internet. when the CONNECT sign changes to DISCONNECT. it means you are ON. just go to your browser or whatever you wish to join the internet  for.
                                                                                                                                                                 6. REMEMBER to buy a data bundle(for it is cheaper in the long run. ask friends or check the internet for cheaper or bundles that will suit your data usage. furthermore for inquiries check the networks customer care services and official websites.

  7. normally you can use your phone to load the card and enter the codes for the bundle. then remove the SIM and put on your modem. REMEMBER to use the appropriate SIM size for the modem.
profile name: Glo
APN: gloflat
apn: static
username: web (or leave blank)
 passord: web (or leave blank)
access number: *99#

 profile name; Airtel ng
 apn; static
 username: internet
 passord: internet.
access number: *99#

 profile name; mtn ng
 apn: static
username: web (or leave blank)
 passord: web (or leave blank
 access number: *99#

 profile name Etisalat
APN: mobile OR etisalat
apn: static
 username: web (or leave blank)
passord: web (or leave blank)
 access number: *99# `

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tsokaci akan Nasihar da Malan muhammad Ali Umar ya gabatar a masallacin abu Huraira da ke Polo club sokoto.


Tarbiya zata iya daukar wasu ma’anoni da yawa. Da farko zamu iya bata ma’anar ALBARKA. Albarka a nan ba ana nufin yawaba amma idan muna son fahimtar ma’anar to sai mu buga misali da Kare da Tumaki. Zamu ga cewa Kare yana da yawan haihuwa ga kuma diyan a haifo su da yawa wani lokaci takwas takwas, bakwai bakwai , hudu hudu da dai sauran su. Sannan kuma ga taurin rai, zaka ga yana da wuyar mutuwa. Amma zamu ga duk wadanan abubuwan da ya dace ace, ya yadu bai sa yayi yawan Tumaki da Awaki ba .Duk da kuwa mun san yawan yanka su da ake yi domin ci a kullum. Amma saboda albarkar da ke gare su zaka ga koda yaushe suna nan garke-garke duk da kuwa hauhuwarsu iyakarsu biyu- biyu, daya- daya sai can kaga ukku.
A wani gefen kuma ana iya kasa Tarbiya gida ukku.
1.RENO: A reni yaro a dauko mataki har yakai inda ake son yakai.
2.Dawwama ba tare da yankewa ba tare da zare damtse ga reno ga yaron da yake tarbiyyanta. Tarbiyyar ta zama ta Ruhi,Zucciya da Jiki.
3.Shine za’a iya gyara wani abu daga cikin mutum har ya kai baya bukatar kula zai iya tsayuwa da kansa. A takaice bai da wani abu na alfasha da sauransu.
Malaman musulunci sun ce a shirya mutum akan aqida ta sanin Allah subhanahuwa ta ala, na sanin Ihsani da  sakamakon lahira da Sallah da azumi. Hakuri da tawakkali da gaskiya da amana da barin karya da zama da makaryata. A kula da abinci na halal da haram. Tsaftataccen abu ya zama yana shiga cikinsa,  idan ya dauko abu zai ci a nuna masa ya tsaftace shi, Idan ya’yan itacene kuma basu da tsafta to sai ace “wanke shi kafin kaci”. Idan zai ci abinci ace ka wanke hannunka idan ya kare ace ya wanke hannunsa. Watau dai a kula da lafiyarsa.

                     MUHIMMANCI TARBIYA

1.Samu da idar da amanar da Allah ya bashi. Hakika sai Allah ya tambayeki game da tarbiyar ya’yanka. Manzon Allah ya gaya muna kowa makiyayi ne kuma sai an tambaye shi da abin kiwonsa.
2. Wani abu ne na samun lada. Hadisi ya tabbata da cewa idan mutum ya mutu sadakatu jariya kawai zata amfane shi. Watau Ilmi mai amfani ga al’umma. Misali wanda idan ka mutu mutane zasu ci gaba da amfani dashi, kamar buga littafai, yin wani bincike ka gano wani abu da mutane zasu amfana da sauransa. Na biyu, Sadakatul Jariya, misali gina massallaci,makaranta ,rijiya da sauransu. Sai kuma Da na gari, idan yayi ma addu’ah ko wani aiki na alheri bayan ka mutu.

                KASHE- KASHEN TARBIYA

Mata suna tarbiyya kashi biyar;
1.Akan son rai, Idan tana jin dadi ta faranta mishi rai, idan ranta ya baci ta duke shi da sauransu. Babu hasken wahayi, watau bata tuna Allah da manzonsa lokacin yin hukunci.Sai dai ta biye zucciya. Mun kuwa san ance “Don rai ya baci, kada hankali ya bata”
2.Akan yadda aka tarbiyyanceta. Abinda ake hana ki,ki hana shi,abinda da aka bar ki kika yi, kice shima yayi koda ya saba ma addini.Wannan tarbiyar tana da matsala.
3.Yan gari suyi mishi tarbiya. Misali ,Abinda suka bar yaransu sukayi,kema ki bar naki,idan sukayi laifi aka barsu,kema ki ki hukunta naki.Kuma kada kiyi nawa wurin raba yaranki da yaran da basu da halayen kwarai koda rayuka zasu baci.
4.Koyi da kwaikwayo.
Misali ,Idan akayi ma wane,shima sai ayi mishi.Idan aka canza ma wane wani abu, shine lokacin za’a canza masa koda yaushe. Ya zama cewa ya sagarce da gasa.
5.Tarbiya akan Al-Qur’an da sunna ta Annabi [S.A.W].Wannan itace ya dace ayi amfani da ita. Itace tarbiyyar da zata tsirar da yaro.
 Kamar yadda Imam Suyyudi ya fada na cewa, yaro wani amana ne akan iyayensa zucciyarsa kamar sabon sisi ne na zinari da baya da wani zane. Duk zanen da aka yi masa zai dauka.
   Duk yadda uwa zata kare yaronta daga wutar duniya,to ta lahira ce mafi cancanta ta kareshi.Yana da kyau iyaye su gyara masa tarbiyyarsa da hana shi zama da miyagun abokai.

             NAU’O’I KO [POINTS] DIN

                         YIN TARBIYA

1.Abu ne mai wahala.Sanin cewa abu ne mai wahala zai sa ki shirya daukar wannan wahalar. Zaki ga yaran kala-kala ne ko wane da halinsa. Balle kice, na san yadda nake renon wane haka zanyi da wane, To zaki ga wani yafi hakuri wani yafi saukin lallashi da sauransu. Kuma ita Tarbiya abu ne da ke bukatar ci gaba, wannan ma na kara mata wahala.
2.Yaren da zaki yi aiki dashi a aikace yafi amfani da wanda zaki yi a fade. Ba koda yaushe zaki yi a fade ba wannan zai yi tasiri idan akwai fahimta a tsakaninku. Misali, idan daga lokacin sallah yayi kika mike kika yo alwala sannan sai kice  ‘mu fa je muyi Sallah lokaci yayi’’ to zai fi tasiri,akan kiyi ta fadin ku tashi ku yi Sallah, ke kuma kina sha’aninki.
3.Duniyarsa ta saba ma tamu. Ya zamanto kina bi ta hanyar lallashi ba ta tsiya ba. Manzon Allah sallalahu alaihi wa sallam ya nuna ma Aisha cewa taushi yana sa abu kyau, a inda tsanani yake bata shi.
4. Ki koya masa gaskiya da amana. Karya abu ne mai wuyar bari. Ki koya mashi juriya da fadar gaskiya da neman gafarar Allah idan yayi laifi. Sa’annan ki koya masa dauriyya wurin yin Ibada da kuma sauran lamurransa na rayuwa. Misali kada kiyi sanyin tada shi Sallah musamman ta asuba komai sanyi, matukar ya kai shekarun koyon Sallah watau bakwai. Ki dabi’anci sa shi barchi da wuri domin ya huta kafin asuba. Ki sani idan ya balaga baya Salla har ya mutu, idan an je lahira za’a tambaye ki,watau kina da [commisio] idan har da ganga ki ka ki dinga koya masa Sallah wai ke kina tausansa ba ki son ya tashi akwai sanyi, ko kuma a’a kawai, kada ya ga kina matsa masa. ko kawai kina son sa, kada a hana shi kallo. Yana da kyau ki tarbiyyance shi da cewa idan kika fadi Magana musamman da ta shafi addini ko ta gaskiya, to ki daure ki tsayu a kanta. Haka zai jawo miki girma a wurinsa, yasan idan ana maganar Ibada ko karatu ko gaskiya, ko wani abu na alheri ba kya wasa.
5.Yaro yana son uwayensa ,yana ganin komai zai yi kina son sa. To kada ki tozarta shi, ki bata wannan tunanin. Ki kula da lafuzzanki a gabansa da sauransu. Idan yayi kure ki nuna mamaki, ki gyara masa kurensa. Misali kice ‘a’a kamar ka ke karya? abin da mamaki”. In shaa Allah idan kina bi da dubara zaki ga ya gyara.
6. Ki guji zaginsa ko wulakanta shi a gaban mutane.
7. Hanyarki ta wa’azi ta zama hanya ce ta (tambihi) watau dubara. Kada ki zage shi. Ki nuna masa abinda yayi watau (hali ko tabi’a) shine bai kamata ba,ba shi kanshi ba. Watau bashi ake ki ba, halin da yayi.
8. Kada ki fito mai da tufafin ke ba kya laifi. Watau idan kin yi ba dai dai ba, ki nuna laifinki da tuba a gaban shi. Ki rinka sake mashi fuska yadda zai gyara miki laifinki. Misali akwai wata kawata da ta gaya min cewa tana da exercise book mai hoto,da yaronta ya gani sai yace, “yaya aka barku Islamiyya kuna zuwa da littafi mai hoto?” Sai yaje ya samo cover marar hoton mutun ya cire waccan ya sa mata marar hoton. kun ga zamu ga cewa wannan yaro in shaa Allah ya samu kyakkyawar tarbiyyar musulunci domin ko tarihi ya nuna da aka ci Makka manzon Allah sallahu alihi wa sallam ya umurci a goge hotunan da ke cikin Kaaba tare da karya gumakan da ke ciki.Watau shi hoto idan bada lalurar passport ba ko karatu ko sauran lalurorin da shari’a ta yarda dasu ba’a sonsa. [Karin bayanin mai tsokaci] .Ki rinka nuna mashi tsoron Allah ne mafi muhimmanci.Yadda ko baki nan yasan cewa Allah yana nan kuma Shine yafi dacewa aji tsoronSa. Da ke dashi duka kuna tsoron Allah kadai. Ko baki nan Allah yana ganinsa.
8,Adalci a tsakanin Ya’ya. Idan kina rashin adalci zai sa suki junan su. Idan kin tashi sayen abu ko kyauta ba babba ba karami duk kiyi musu dai dai.
9.Daidaita tsanani da sauki. Idan yayi abin kwarai kiyi masa kyauta. Yaro idan shekarunsa ba suyi goma ba, ba’a dukansa, Idan ma za’a yi to kada a doki fuska da kai. Haka ma bulala itama kada ta wuce goma. Misali idan laifin ya tsananta,sai ki jashi gefe kice kawo hannunka,kiyi masa kilan bulala biyu kice idan ka sake biyar zanyi maka. Kada ki manta idan ya sake ki cika alkawalin, tare da nuna masa munin abin. kuma kada ki tona masa asiri.
10.Yin fada lokacin da ya dace. Kada ki ga ya dace ki bashi shawara ko ki tsawata,sai kawai ki share ki yi kamar baki gani ba. Duk da kuwa ance idan yaro yayi laifi ya dinga boyewa, yana da kyau ki kyale  shi, idan kin lura  ya tuba. Amma idan ya sake, sai ki jashi gefe ki nuna masa illar sa kina gargadinsa  da tsoron Allah da illar kada mutane su sani zai kunya ta. Idan ya sake sai ki yi masa hukuncin da ya dace a lokacin. [Karin bayanin mai tsokaci].Allah yasa mu dace.
Daga baya anyi bayanin ba laifi a samu wata tatsuniya ko labari dake nuni da halaye na kirki ana gaya ma yara domin su kara fahimtar tabi’un kwarai da sakamakonsu da kuma kara dubarun zaman duniya.[Ba’a ce film ba].



Wani mutum yana ciwon ajali sai yace ma dansa idan ya rasu yaje wurin Tururuwa da Kare da Tsohon Doki suyi masa wasiyya. [To kun ga mun san wadannan abubuwa basu Magana amma gashi an buga misali da cewa zasu yi wasiyya].
Da yaje wurin Tururuwa, sai taje dashi wani daki inda aka ajiye wani buhun gero.Tace masa “kaga zan iya daukar buhun nan ni kadai?” yace “a’a”. sai taje ta nemo yan uwanta suka fara dibar hatsi guda- guda wani ma idan yayi girma a raba biyu ,da haka har suka kwashe duka. Sai tace kaga amfanin taron dangi, abu komai wahalar sa idan kuka hada kai da yan uwanka sai ku ci nasara in shaa Allah. Daga nan sai yaje wurin tsohon doki, shi kuma ya same shi daure duk yayi kashi ya bata turkensa, sai yace masa kaga da duk inda sarki zai je dani yake zuwa ayi min kawa,amma yanzu kaga ko kashi na ba’a kwashewa, da wani na ake yi. Saboda haka idan kana cikin kurciyyarka kayi abinda ya dace kuma zai amfaneka[misali aure,karatu da sauransu] domin idan lokacin ya wuce shikenan,[sai ka roki Allah ya taimakeka]Allah yasa mu dace.
Daga karshe sai ya nemi kare shi kuma. Sai yace “muje ka gani”. Suka kama hanya sai makaranta, yara na ganinsa suka taso da kuwwa suka kore shi, bayan sun bar nan sai yace suje wurin mafarauta,suna isa aka fara kiransa ana shafarsa. Sai yace to ka gani,nan ne bana so amma nan ake sona, saboda haka koda yaushe kaje wurin da ake sonka, ba inda kai kake so ba.


Wani mutum ne kullum idan ana hira, idan yaji an zagi shaidan sai yace, shi dai tun da kowa zagin shaidan yake yi to shi, shi ne abokinsa. Ana nan wata rana sai yayi mafarkin shaidan,sai yace masa aboki zo muje yawo, ya goya shi a bayansa suka tashi sama. Suna cikin tafiya sai mutumen ya ji fitsari yace ,“Aboki ka dan sauka kasa ina son zanyi fitsari”. Sai shi kuma yace “haba aiba komai yi abinka kawai”, sai mutumen yace “haba, yaya zan yi ma fitsari a baya?” shaidan dai ya dage sai mutumen yayi fitsarin a bayansa, aikuwa sai ya saki fitsari shaaaa. To dama kun san mafarkine yake yi, yana tashi sai yaga duk ya jike shinfidarsa. To kun ga shaidan ko abokinsa baya ragama.


Ina fatar za’a amfana kamar yadda muma muka karu bayan nasihar. Allah ya saka ma Malan da alherinsa da wadanda suka gayyato shi da wadanda suka taimaka ga gabatarwarsa da rubuta wannan tsokaci. Da fatar idan an karanta za’a aje a dinga dubawa akai akai domin karatu sai da haka,domin zai yiwu wani abun ba zaka lura dashi ba sai an zo maimaitawa.



“And appoint for me a helper from my family: Harun (Aaron), my brother. Increase my strength with him, and let him share my task (of conveying Allah’s message and prophet hood). That we may glorify You much and remember you much”. (Qur’an 20:29-34).

“They are but Awliya (friends, protectors, helpers’ etc.) to one another”. (Qur’an 5:51)

The prophet (S.A.W) related that, Allah (S.W.T) said:
Where are the ones who love each other because of my exaltedness (i.e. who love each other for the sake of Allah)? Today I will provide shade for them in my shade-a day wherein there is no shade except my shade”.

The prophet (S.A.W) said: “each one is on the Deen (way of life) of his intimate friend, so one should be aware of who to take as an intimate friend.

    5.  The prophet (SAW) also said: “The example of a good righteous companion and evil one is that of a person carrying musk and another blowing a pair of bellows. The one carrying musk will either give you some perfume as a present, you will buy some from him, or at least you will smell the scent from him. But the one who is blowing a pair of bellows will either burn your clothes or you smell horrible”.  (Hadith).

6. The basis of friendship is surely attraction of all kinds and qualities but sincerity-why, that’s the very crown of friendship.
  (Max Ploughman).

7.  The friends given to you by circumstances over which you have no control is God’s own gift.  (Frederick Robertson).

8. True friends like ivy and the wall both stand together, and together fall. (Francis Bacon).

9. A friend is whom you find comfort with. A friend is someone you can call at the middle of the night and talk with without him or you feeling odd about it.
10. A friend is whom you feel free to share your views with.

11. A friend is whom you love his/her companionship.

12. A good friend is the one that goes by saying nice things about you behind your back.

 13. Only a true friend will tell you when your face is dirty.

14. A bad friend is like worms that make cavities in your bones-you can only feel when it is too late. 

15. The good companion is better than loneliness, but loneliness is better than an evil companion.
16.A friend in need is a friend in deed.
17. Show me your friend, and I will tell you who you are.
18. A friend does not go on diet because you are fat. (Erma Bomberk)
19. People who have warm friends are healthier and happier than those who have none. A simple real friend is a treasure with more than gold or precious stones.
20. In prosperity, our friends know us. In adversity we know our friends. ( John .C. Collins).
21. Friendship requires great communication between friends otherwise it can neither be born nor exist. (Saint Francis De) Sales.
22. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you. Dale Carnegie.
23. The thread of our life would be dark, Heaven knows! If it were not with friendship and love entwined. Thomas Moore.

24.Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow, don’t walk behind me, I may not lead, walk beside me, and just be my friend.
25. Ihsan sat with Fatima and shared her sorrow when she had a miscarriage. She did not try to cheer her up or tell her she’d have another baby one day or even tell her not to cry over a miscarriage.  
Ihsan just sat and was sad with her, even shedding her own tears.

26. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
27. No road is too far to walk with a friend by your side. If you are in the company of loving people, treat them with the softness of a loving relative. And don’t take people to account for all of their  Mistakes, so as not to stay companionless through out your life.
28. Don’t dispute with your brother or sister, don’t make fun of him/her and don’t make an appointment with him/her and then not show up. Don’t remind them of their past mistakes in order to cause them distress. Call him/her by a name he/she loves and greet them with a smiling face. (Ibn Alqarni)
29. Whoever is not concerned with the affairs of the Muslims is not from them.(Hadith)
30. Even friends should hear this;Aisha (R.A) narrated the prophet (S.A.W) said “the most hated person to Allah is the one who is quarrelsome of the”.(Sahih Bukhari).
31.  Abu Umamah (R.A) narrated Allah’s messenger (S.A.W) said: I guarantee a home in paradise for a person who gives up arguments and disputes even if he is on the truth. And I also guarantee a home in the middle of paradise for a person who gives up lying (false statement)even while joking. And I also guarantee a home in the highest part of paradise for a person who has a high standard of character. (Abu Dawud).
32.”Verily, Allah ordered me to keep relations with those that cut me off, to forgive the one who does an injustice to me, and to give to those who with hold me”.(Hadith).
34. In order to have a good friend you need to be a good friend. Friends believe the best in each other. Someone once described this like a man holding some grains in his hands to loosen the chaff around the grain and then gently blows away the unwanted husks forever and keeps the grain. Friends hold on to the best understanding they have and throw away the bits that are not useful letting the imperfect memories of the other person blow away forever in the breeze of forgiveness and love.
35. A true friend scold like a father, cares like a mother, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and loves more than a lover.
38. If you cannot change a thing then try
39. In helping others, people have a limit or point, up to which they are willing to strive and sacrifice for others. And this limit is seldom exceeded. (Aid Ibn Al-Qarni).
40. And put your trust (O Muhammad) in the ever living one who dies not (Qur'an 25:58).
41. Be open minded and accept changes when necessary. Don't be afraid to accept new ideas for a lot of goods can come out of them. E.g. new products, cuisines etc., most especially if it aren't going to cost you an arm and leg.
 42. Enthusiasm and persistence can make an average person superior; indifference and lethargy can make a superior person average. William Ward.
 43. Our background and circumstances might have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
44. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and clear every doubt. Even a fool, when he holdout his peace, is counted wise. (Abraham Lincoln.
45. When the fool is arrogantly boasting take pride in your silence.